Well, she is the ward of J.W. Stillwater, Florida's only airboat-based superhero.
Well, she is the ward of J.W. Stillwater, Florida's only airboat-based superhero.
That arena where he doesn't work in is a comedy show he helped start and co-hosted for years before it got on television. So, there's that.
… and actually having horrible taste, but being an elitist douche anyway. Jonah Ray is like the ur-A.V. Clubber.
Unfortunately, my heart remains cold because I've seen the show he co-hosts on Comedy Central.
I think I have PTSD from seeing Viggo in his underwear.
I can relate. A couple of years ago, I got into some trouble with Comcast and they forced me to give up my cable box. One of my brothers got me a digital converter box so I could at least watch the local channels. For a while, I just watched shows on Hulu Plus and tried to find other stuff to do. I read a lot,…
Aragorn with no pants is actually from the book. But I'm glad we didn't have to watch Viggo Mortensen run around in just a short brown tunic.
I have never laughed harder at anything in my life than I did at Santa trash talking Auckerman.
Hawk the Slayer directed by Kevin Macdonald (The Eagle, The Last King of Scotland)
I'm a teetotaler. But after dealing with Taylor Swift apologists, I'm tempted to start.
And half the guys who post here, apparently.
There is no good way to say this. Aziz drives me nuts because he acts like a white guy who thinks he gets to be an honorary black person based on the music and stuff he likes. It's like, dude, stop being such a wannabe.
Is that progress that Jewish people are considered to be generically white now?
As far as religion goes, I get along fine with LGBT posters. It's the atheists who make me wish I could leave bags of flaming poop on their porches. Atheists around here love to blame Christianity for pretty much every bad thing that happened in the last 2,000 years. Including the ones that should be blamed on…
I hated Monster and obsessively listened to Grave Dancer's Union, so we better not ever touch each other. The matter/anti-matter reaction would blast a hole in the fabric of reality.
I was in my twenties in the early Nineties. I dropped out of college in '93 and went back in '98. Pretty much the whole time I was in college, I ran into people who genuinely believed it was good for you to stop watching TV and find other things to do with the time. Some of them were insufferable, but others meant…
I thought Hawke's character was supposed to represent everything wrong with the hipsters of the era, so I was really surprised when he got the girl. I was about the same age as the characters when it came out, if that helps at all.
Most people probably only know the Screaming Trees because of one video that made it onto MTV. I'm not saying it's fair but it's not like they were household names.