Flu Season

I had 5 glasses and required an aenema. 'Twas a gaping anus experience.

For Adam Jones' truly "macabre" influences, check out the Quay Brothers. The Undertow videos are pretty, erm, derivative of their work.

Isn't she also into book banning?

I think last night's Norm appearance was the hardest I've ever seen Conan laugh — and Norm makes him laugh harder than anybody.

I will during the Intermission.

I'm gonna go jerk-off now. Hush!

It may cause leakage from your Third Eye.

They are actually one of the most actively positive-minded bands around. Anything after Undertow is less and less bleak, more and more hopeful.

@Pgood: Letterman interviewed Richards post-tirade?

There's no way that was staged.

Agreed, Gringo. The Murphy interview was incredibly awkward, and kind of hard to place why. He was definitely underreacting to everything Conan said, in a vaguely dickish sort of way.

Ultima 7 part 2

Sperm vs. Prophylaxis

MP3 vs. FLAC

Jesus vs. Santa

The 'Burbs vs. The Birds

ElDan: I was referring to the apparently ever-increasing proportion of trolls on here.

If one is here often enough to identify the regulars, pick out their habits, and judge the shit out of them, does that make one a regular?

Name. Job. Bye.

i've pretty much had it..