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    I think that all the fucking morons on fox news who claim to be libertarians rather than partisan hacks (glenn beck, o'reilly, etc.) should watch south park, because I think Parker and Stone most accurately represent that kind of viewpoint. They're really more just anti-government than anything.

    Plus, he got to get it on with that hot teacher….lucky kid…

    That just makes me think of a Far Side cartoon, where a scientist invents a dog translator, and he's walking down the street with it, and all the dogs passing are yelling "HEY. HEY."

    I think the whole tonal feel of the movie is meant to be ambiguous, not melancholic. Mme. and dog are definitely on a journey based on love, and it seems that Champion only has emotion for bicycling, because he connects it with happiness. None of the characters seem necessarily sad. The movie just IS, and I think

    Don't let your FOB-loving coworker find out you wrote this. He may kill you whilst crying.

    uh, wasn't he talking about Wagner, who was most definitely a raging anti-Semite?

    I would say that when 15 kids are black, 15 are hispanic, 5 are asian, 3 are middle eastern, and 3 are white, that's a pretty diverse class.

    It's a bullshit argument on its face, though, because he is saying that Hamilton is gay for wearing tight pink shirts and being ultra fashion conscious.

    See, I disagree with that on the basis that it always seemed to me that he was being blatantly hyperbolic for prurience's sake. He has a number of songs where he portrays himself engaging in homosexual acts, for example.

    @partdavid - there is a very heavy religious/social component to it, I think, particularly in the black community. I teach in a very ethnically diverse college, and about 30 out of 40 of my students are black or hispanic. We had a discussion about Rihanna and Chris Brown, and the vast majority of the class agreed

    I constantly have ambivalence about Billy Corgan, because I have always loved smashing pumpkins music, but cannot stand the insufferable narcissist he has become (well, he probably always was, and it certainly helped the music, but he's annoyingly vocal about it now).

    There's a great book called "Rapture Ready!" about christian pop culture, and there are a number of discussions about christian pop music, and the difference between proselytizing artists and artists who use their music to discuss religion in a personal sense, rather than trying to fit the word jesus into every verse.

    I often don't separate the artist from the product, because I don't want my money going into their pocket.

    Well, I would feel uncomfortable even saying bigoted things (well, you know, in a tirade), let alone feel comfortable being recorded doing so for the listening pleasure of others. Thus, I can't believe that rappers (or whoever) would feel so at ease if it was not a belief they were familiar with.

    hah hah hah, nice imagery, evel

    I kinda liked his first single, off blue collar. Glad I never got around to buying the album.

    How soon we forget Jeppson's Malort.

    Sorry - have always, and will always love this song. Love the part where the little shakers and the drums kick in.

    15) Chang ate the original print of Hitchcock's final, unfinished film.

    Now, now, now…it may be ultra, ULTRA catchy, but popcorn is in no way annoying!