
Justified music supervisor (Greg Sill) is fabulous. Looks like they will be posting the names of the songs in each episode, with iTunes links, on the FX Justified website. http://www.fxnetworks.com/s…

Of course. Thank you. I was hanging on every word and missing part of that sentence was driving me crazy even though I got the gist of what was said.

So when Art and Raylan are talking, Raylan says, "I doubt that's how we'll get him" and then Art says "Your CI in the Crowder camp [unintelligible, at least to me] some help?" What word/words did I miss?

There ya go! :-)

Yeah, I got that Boyd knew he was texting Raylan but I thought Raylan thought … oh, never mind what I thought, who cares. Thx for this, Untitled.

Raylan being so done with Boyd breaks my heart a little.

I'm a devoted Guttersonian myself, for lots of reasons, but not here to try to convince y'all that you should be too. However, even to the extent that other characters are interesting simply b/c of what they tell us about our hero, it does seem to me that Raylan's relationships with his colleagues have been pretty

But she couldn't bring herself to kill Ellen May….

OK, help me with this one. Are Tim and Rachel taken by surprise to find that the cartel dudes are at Ava's? Or had Raylan's we-dug-coal sense kicked in such that he figured Boyd was in danger and warned Tim and Rachel that something fishy was up? In which case were they pissed off not b/c of being tricked into an

Per Yost they filmed a scene of Rachel and Tim driving to Ava's that makes it clear that Tim is not quite 5 by 5 after the car accident. Something like Rachel asks Tim if he's OK and he tells her not to worry, he'll just aim for the one on the left. And we did see him popping some ibuprofen and rubbing his adorable

Which makes them even hotter IMHO.

Which means he knows all about you people and your sick, sick fantasies.

Hey you didn't mention that practically the first words out of his mouth are a shout out to this very message board and the cleverness of its commenters! Hey!

I listen to the podcast but totally forgot it was like a video thing too. Thanks for reminding. You are a good person.

Had a feeling that was you….

I also like the thoughtful and nondefensive way he responds to commenters who disagree with him.

I like that, KT. Upon further reflection (beats workin') I think maybe they're both right in a way - Tim in that Art would go after Daryl had one of his marshals been shot and Raylan in that Art wouldn't want Raylan to do so. (And perhaps in that Art wouldn't want Tim to do so either — for different reasons maybe —

Always happy for a Raylan-Tim scene, but are we so sure that Raylan's assessment of what Art would want/do is correct? We know (although I don't think Raylan does) about Art getting his vigilante on when a marshal friend of Art's was killed (S3's "Cut Ties", yes?). Is Art angry at Raylan for his actions at the end

Jessie does not have its moments and I think she's being very generous to young Mia but otherwise Gwen is right on. It's been nice watching this one with my kids; we'll miss it.