
"Colour" has that extra u in British spelling because that was how (rather, one common way that) it was spelled in Old and Middle French. What you are saying then is that American English differs from British English in either being less traditionalist or more traditionalist. Such taut logic! Why, it's the very

Um, actually, her legal advisor had power of attorney and signed her up for it pretty much against her wishes:

Thanks for that link.  Also interesting is this post at the same site about Rand and the Hickman case:

"That's something I was hoping to see addressed in the review.  To me, the weirdest thing about Ayn Rand's popularity among today's conservatives is that her philosophy leaves no room for christianity (or any other religion) whatsoever."

"She really thought the average person had bigger skeletons in their closet than the sadistic murder of a child?"  Bit of an exaggeration, certainly (and in context she was writing more generally about outraged crowds baying for blood when they don't get outraged in the same way about greater crimes accompanied by a

"If you actually think there's any worth in Rand's positions, then you either don't understand them, are completely ignorant of the way the real world works or are a sociopath; and when someone tells you they are an Objectivist, then you know anything they say on politics or economics should be dismissed."

If you seriously think so, then you'd never know whether they're any good or not, would you?  Thanks for making it clear that you're emotionally and intellectually incapable of ever correcting any misunderstandings of her positions you might have, and that makes you simply unworthy of taking seriously as a critic.

"What is critical to an altruistic worldview is…that you help him because you value that beggar for his own sake and not in any way for your own."

No.  She hated the insistence that another man's poverty was a claim on another's life, especially poverty resulting from the person's own refusal to work productively.  That doesn't mean she saw humanity as consisting of some elite versus the many who are not titans of industry, but as a collection of indivduals,

"Because you're espousing a sociopathic world view that prizes selfishness above all things, and tells everyone else to go fuck themselves."
Not really, no:
My views on charity are very simple. I do not consider it a major virtue and, above all, I do not consider it a moral duty. There is nothing wrong in helping

So you basically don't know anything more about what Rand actually wrote than what JMP copied over.

Typical regurgitation of chunks copied from an out-of-context hatchet job.  She took him as a "model" (not an ideal) for a character in a story she later abandoned attacking American conformism and middle-class hypocrisy, and explicitly stated Hickman himself was a "degenerate" and "a purposeless monster" who had

Just going to add that quite a few Objectivists slammed the movie for such things as casting, as well as more serious problems they saw with the adaptation.  Two examples, in case you're curious.