Yo Babys Mamas Mama

I swear I had an acid flashback that was just like this. But Ewan MacGregor was the goat. Guess it's a generational thing.

Agreed - this is serious work we've undertaken here. For example, between my Biblioracle (The Morning News) recommendation of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and now A Scanner Darkly, I'm basically going to be doubling-down on Dick this month. Yeah, respect.

I really dig on this notion of the Void in the book that you've developed MikeStrange. But I'm curious whether you think Duras' is making a statement about what she thinks the real state of affairs is (which I think you suggest in your comments about the Void in Genesis), or whether this notion of the Void is simply

Madness and Meaning
I think this "madness" theme really gets at the heart of what made this book so difficult for me. I hope you'll all forgive what follows if it's too pedantic, but this is the only language I know how to use in this instance.

This is a pretty strong list all-round, so I've got no gripes, however it falls out. I did just buy Lowboy a couple weeks back though, so I voted for it.