Yo Babys Mamas Mama

Have you seen Della Street? I solved that mystery too.

I still play this game with my wife - she sucks at it.

Holy shit, man; how could you leave off "Hang On To Your Butts"?

Matthew Perry's Drug Problem

Yeah, this band name really only works in St. Louis, but it's pretty awesome nonetheless.  I'd also really like to hear what a Cobrangutang sounds like, because it sounds like the kind of creature Charlie Sheen would fight.

I think The People's Key is a great album, but it seems to have gotten foldered as "meh" in many people's minds.  Maybe I was just too excited to hear something expansive from Bright Eyes again.

Everything ends, my friend.


I've got Marvin Gaye and Sir Alec Guinness - so I think we're done here.

It's not "Where am I locked up?", its "WHEN am I locked up?"

In that cornfield on Hee Haw

I'm pretty sure that's your origin story in DC's New 52

Who is Josh Randor?  Is he on How I Met Your Mothership?

Yeah, her article was great.  For a married guy who is constantly trying to get my wife interested in various comics (she's a fan of the comic book movies), trite bullshit like the Catwoman comic is a real drag.  Memo to DC: there is a female audience out there for superhero comics, just not these superhero comics.

Yeah, Bloodd Vomitt of War was pretty badass too.

Thanks Keith!  Yeah, the digital version of JL#1 shows that as page 21.

Can somebody describe the panel (or the other action on the page) with the "mystery woman" that Oliver talks about above?  I've got the digital version, and I'm not sure the pagination is the same.  At any rate, I can't seem to see this mystery woman.

You mean Franco?

I'd greenlight this if you had said a sass-talking monkey.

Is that right?  I thought the point of the "names of God" like El Shaddai, Adonai, etc. were that they could be said in place of the Tetragrammaton.