
Cheers stopped being top-tier after the first season with Rebecca, then became atrocious in the ninth season. I skipped ahead to the series finale after that chili tea room episode. I can only imagine how horrendous the 10th season was if you herbs were satisfied with the  previous two.  Also, who thought the fifth

Listen here, Mr. Rabin. You didn't fucking get this show. It was a darker show than King of The Hill and because simpletons like you thought Judge and friends were merely taking the piss out of liberals you missed the bigger picture. The whole thing with Mike Judge's work is that they completely went against

Saying "snark is easy" is a  glib and silly bit of moaning. It's like
saying it's easy to criticize. No, it's not, if you're doing it well. People
who say that are generally too defensive and flabbergasted by people who don't
agree with them to engage in a spirited argument. And respect for one's work
needs to be earned,

Saying "snark is easy" is a  glib and silly bit of moaning. It's like
saying it's easy to criticize. No, it's not, if you're doing it well. People
who say that are generally too defensive and flabbergasted by people who don't
agree with them to engage in a spirited argument. And respect for one's work
needs to be earned,

Yeah, I was being a facetious. I never went to Yale and I don't actually think pies are the cornerstone of comedy. Though I do love pies. I don't think Bill Maher's monologues are worse than anyone else's (LENO'S ARE ATTROCIOUS), I just get annoyed when he assumes that when his jokes don't get a response it's because

Yes, monologue jokes are terrible unless they're told by Bill Maher. But I went to Yale so my humor is a little more intellectual than that of Conan O'Brien. Also, I wasn't a humanities major so I'm less pretentious than that ginger minger. So here's what I'd do to make his show palatable to people who like their


Joel McWho?
Fuck that guy. The Soup is a joke. What you guys can't think up your own snarky comments while watching god awful reality shows? And having your crew laugh at your jokes instead of a studio audience is only cool if they don't laugh all the time, but when they guffaw every fucking time its a total cop out

I could look past Courtney Love threatening journalists with violence and having her husband murdered, but using the internet to shit on people is going too far. Celebrities are supposed to set an example!

uh, seinfeld?
Hollywood didn't just catch on to the fuck buddy phenomona, because Seinfeld brought the ruckus on the subject in it's second season when Jerry and Elaine try to have it both way which ends in hilarious results…. oh, no, wait it ended with them arguing until Jerry was guilted into making Elaine her

uh, seinfeld?
Hollywood didn't just catch on to the fuck buddy phenomona, because Seinfeld brought the ruckus on the subject in it's second season when Jerry and Elaine try to have it both way which ends in hilarious results…. oh, no, wait it ended with them arguing until Jerry was guilted into making Elaine her

"Oh, Niles You Didn't"
If there's going to be a spinoff it should star Niles and maybe Daphne if she isn't riffing with a decomposing Betty White. Why do stars of hugely successful sitcoms insist on coming back to do shitty ones? They should know by now the chances of getting a good and/or successful sitcom nowadays

I'm Brian Pumper
I hope all y'all got inspired by my words. Belie' in yo'self and you can be a muscley pumper and autuer like maself. And nervous bitches be fierce when it comes to fuckin'. I be like damn, this can't be yo first time. Is you fir ril? Word is bond. I'm gonna do some crunches. You can do anything, in a

Drew Carey is going for the Ray Carney Look
Fur ril. Law and Order never got my permission to air. And 30 Rock is just all right [not worthy of quoting, sorry i have lame friends] and when it goes live it's going to be just as awesome as SNL. Oh, wait. Doesn't SNL suck tiny weiner right now? Never mind.

oh, lordy
Vampires never stopped being sexy. Christianity never stopped being Christy. When is everyone going to realize that we'll never find salvation until we worship Dracula Jesus are one true savior. Praise Him!

Clearly You People Have Never Gotten Jiggy With Anything
If I ever saw Will Smith, I would pretend to praise so he'd get his gaurd down then chastise him smugly and call him every variation of Uncle Tom until he had no choice other than to beat me senseless. Then I'd sue him for a fraction of his paycheck for Men in

I've seen parts of Teeth; it didn't bring back any old fears. I've never had any intention to rape, get a gynecology degree so I can have finger free-for-alls, or brag to a friend about conquering vag whilst in midst of penetration. So I couldn't put my penis in those kind of characters' shoes.

Vagina=Death Trap
When I was a kid every time I saw a film with a sex scene it always ended with the lovers being murdered by a gilted lover or a masked pscyopath. If my parents were around they'd tell me to close my eyes because of the naked bodies, but it was tthe association of violent death with the act of coitus

You have a good night
I'm joking.

What community? He should be making movies to please some herd he belongs to? I disagree, disagreer. If he makes a movie that he thinks is hilarious and everyone else thinks is awful, then he probably just has an awful sense of humor; indulgence has nothing to do with it, unless you're talking about whoever paid for