Bill Gray

Does anyone like "The Pretender"? It's not my favourite song, but I like the sense of menace posed by the riot police twisting their night sticks, and the explosion of red juicy-juice. Also, there's a shot of Taylor Hawkins tucking his hair behind his ears that's kind of endearing. I could be wrong though.

Does anyone like "The Pretender"? It's not my favourite song, but I like the sense of menace posed by the riot police twisting their night sticks, and the explosion of red juicy-juice. Also, there's a shot of Taylor Hawkins tucking his hair behind his ears that's kind of endearing. I could be wrong though.

Was it just me or was Todd making a funpun in the opening sentence of this review? If so, he just scored some points with me—I didn't really picture him as a Carver kind of guy.

Blicero…only that this thread has mainly to do with the underworld…

I'm sure Don DeLillo circa 1985 would love the generic packaging on all the Dharma products.

Last Week's Discussion of Ben=Evil/Ben=Snape?
This question probably should have been asked on last week's discussion board in the "Is Ben evil?" thread, but here goes anyways: "Henry" made a comment that went largely unremarked upon and I wasn't sure whether no one was interested, or whether it's already been