
Re: the chick in the grey jacket when Jake walks in with Santiago

I'm not the one dowvoting you but like I said in my first comment Gustin was channelling pure 60s Barry where he was a straight up dork. You can see shades of it in The New Frontier and the Wednesday Comics Flash strip and in current run of the Flash series.

If you're saying Barry isn't interesting until he died then that means Wally wasn't interesting until Barry died either.

Nah all that dorky flustered stuff was pure Showcase-era Barry, Wally was always a hotshot.

Ha, I was just wondering what he'd been up to after Fringe.

A- for the episode
A+ for Boyle's NYC Thanksgiving Meal

"My name shall be Quijibo!"

Sounds cooler.  Also, there might have already been an Arrow in comics at the time.

This was terrible — Low Winter Sun

My theory: Liz is a red herring; she's not his daughter she's his daughter-in-law and her husband is Red's son.

Actually it was going to just be called The Butler but Warners forced a name change because they made a movie called that —- in 1916.

Trying to do the New Jack City "Everybody's Naked In The Drug Room" thing on basic cable doesn't work because you have to put them in their underwear which defeats the whole purpose of Nino Brown's plan.

Did that lady go through the trouble of making a full three-bean salad just to dump it on Lyle Lovett's desk?  That shit is hardbody.

I'm not sure I'm down with this King.

Rachel McAdams?

The most surprising reveal of the night for me was hearing Felix's real voice in that promo after the first act.

Jewel Staite as Catalina on Space Cases

It's clearly a nod to Rocket Red from Justice League International

Maxwell Lord isn't a poor man's Luthor in the New 52 — that dude was running around in a holographic collar being a crazy ass Kirby villain in OMAC

Even he doesn't like it.  But it introduces the Dell Rusk concept which many people think might show up in the next Captain America movie.