Off Topic Bear

Less dismissively: if this is a cop puzzle, my answer actually has application to the job. Stop seeing people like inanimate pieces of a puzzle and start interacting with them.

You're all wrong. There's a very easy solution. Ask the men how much they weigh.

I shot a man in Reno just to watch him fry.

Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce. Thanks to him, I've always thought 'Alan Alda' in general as an answer, but it's mostly that character.

What phodraew said.  Patinkin has always been one of the very finest theater actors America has.  His performance in "Sunday in the Park" is incomparably wonderful and moving.  This show's finally giving him a chance to play out all his abilities on the screen.  And I'm as grateful to it for that as for anything.

That's an absolutely brilliant idea.  I can't like it enough.  Thinking of that, there's a wonderful development from George in "Sunday", whose resignation at that point follows the young man's incomprehension - to Saul in this, whose resignation comes from a much deeper, more developed woundedness.  Mandy Patinkin

(From the time of Elizabeth I, of course)

I had moss on my Elizabethan rug once.

I once knew a guy who was in love with asparagus. But then the spears got abusive, and though he held on for a long time, in the end he had to walk out, just to keep a small remnant of his dignity. I believe he moved onto artichokes after that. More heart.

I have an irrational fear of electric grandmothers.

@ Senor Ding-Dong: Done.