
I didn't realize McKinnon was gay. Does that make her the first lesbian cast member besides Chris Kattan?

Agreed. Tati should never be viewed, I don't think, solely thinking about the criticisms of modern style. That's always there, yes, but it's secondary to the film-making and feeling in his films.

This is honestly criminal how few comments this has. Everyone should watch at least one Tati film in their lifetime. He is one of THE greats. I know the AV Club is about pop culture and not great cinema, but I still wish more people would take interest to this.

Does not computeā€¦.


I Love Lucy is about as funny as The Big Bang Theory.

I just thought the final season was great but not as good as the past couple years.

No Duck Dynasty?

Honestly, as huge of a Breaking Bad fan as I am, I think Orange Is The New Black was better this year. What an exciting new show, every episode is great, and it's different than anything I can think of.

Thanks. That's actually pretty good for a show, usually it takes longer for me to be hooked.

Watched the first episode last night. I assume it gets much better? About what time would that be?

She was totally going to win too.

Only tangentially related but this reminded me of the Goodfellas episode of Community and now I want to go watch that.

Not that funny.

A lot of political figures and the like are actually pretty intelligent, so intelligent they pretend to be incredibly stupid because it has has more mass appeal. Say what you will about Sarah Palin, but at least she is genuinely fucking braindead and not faking.

I don't get how A&E let this happen. The only thing that would be surprising is if these guys WEREN'T homophobic. Didn't they give them a long lecture about what not to say in interviews? Then again, maybe that's why it took so long for something like this to happen.

I saw some little black kid rapping about this on TV the other day and it was one of the worst things I've ever seen.

True, I thought of those, but thought listing off that many movies would kind of defeat my point.

It's not really the site that's crazy I don't think, really just the channel. But then again I don't pay much attention to either.

The Game.