
They killed off 24 who was a major character and it seems like they are keeping 24 dead. Overall I wouldn't put it past the show to keep him dead. Although I think its unlikely

It was not Triana just some girl with that type of pseudo goth look. That would have been a great place to bring back that girl that was Triana's friend from season 2 that Hank was set up with. She was approached by then Dr.Girlfriend to be a supervillian. However I think they wrote her out with a throwaway line

I would give it a B-. Don't get me wrong this episode set up a lot of things and I think the things it set up are great and will be paid off. But the show was a solid episode. Pretty good but not great. Some good humor some tense moments but there have been funnier episodes of the Venture Bros. The two best jokes were

I give the episode an A- it was a great episode with an OK ending. Helper is coming to form this season, Helper, Hank, 21. and Dermott as a fake crime group was crazy. Hanks alter ego was equally hilarious. Dr.O was really good it was good to see him he has been pretty absent this season.

Why? The Sovereign being a much more mysterious character gives them more places they could go with the Sovereign was David Bowie it really limit what they could do. I think its just more so they had a great idea for this Guild vs. OSI thing but it wouldn't have worked had the Sovereign been Bowie.

This episode should have been an A, such a great episode one of the best in my opinion Venture Brothers episodes ever. Right up there with Operation Prom, What Color is your clean suite, The Invisible hand of fate, The Family that Slays together stays together, and Hate Floats as one of the best Venture Bros episodes

I thought it was a better than average episode. Deserved a B or a B+ in my opinion. Schmit as usual carried the show but the rest of the stories were decent I loved the line about Schmit getting Alyssa Malino's number by dialing random numbers.