
Still enjoying the season but the show needs to find its self better as it hopes to progress the characters.

It's been a bit too much Gretchen and Jimmy this season. I think Edgar, Lindsay, and the supplemental characters all deserve more time as each of them add a lot. That's not to say that they haven't gotten time but rather that there should be a much better balance.

I feel like that's the pattern You're the Worst seasons go through. They start off with the characters reverting to their "Worst" ways. Then they show some growth in the middle of the season only to have some life milestone revert them back to being the Worst, then they get stuck at a cross roads where they either

I guess the middle is simply a catch all relative term. On trolling its such a new issue where I think it's hard to pinpoint where each "Side" of an issue is at let alone where the middle is at. I think 95% or more of people would think that death threats, stalking, and other serious real world consequences should

What leads you to think there is no middle ground? Very earnestly asking what your opinion is?

South Park has been brilliant and I am loving the episodic nature of each season. The new structure has really given life to the show which was starting to feel stale a few years ago. This season is picking up right where the show left off last season quality wise. Cartman disappearing in the photo was brilliant. The

I feel like since they made the move over to Archer Vice the show has been a small step down since its prime. It's still very good and enjoyable but it's not as good as it once was at its best. That being said I would still like to see a season 8 and then a final season 9. I feel like the creators could come up with

Dam Rick and Morty going somewhat Venture Bros with a rich and detailed back story. I hope they don't go too far in that direction. I don't mind seeing a back story but I would like to keep the loose nature of the show's "adventure of the week" format in tact.

Solid episode of South Park. Fun but not fantastic, I think Trey and Matt are exploring the fact that they are getting older and becoming more in line with the past. Hopefully they touch on Garrison in the next episode. It was good to step away from that stuff.

Above average episode of Rick and Morty. But not great, it had its moments but it was also not a standout episode. It was just a solid outing from the show. Not every episode is going to be great so it's good to see that a middle of the road outing from the show still produces a good entertaining episode.

An OK episode. Kind of felt like a lot of episodes from the previous season. Just plodding along the characters a bit. I thought the first two episodes to start the season were really good but this one was just OK to a little above average. I would have given it a B-. It was enjoyable but not the strongest of efforts.

You're the Worst proves to be one of the best shows currently on television. Just when you think the characters have become one note jokes they progress the characters meaningfully but in small enough ways to feel organic and not forced. Such a good episode and the addition of Vernon to being friends with Jimmy will

The 80's craze of the previous decade was about the same. VH1 was a channel pretty much dedicated to the idea of the 80's and putting has been stars of the 80's into reality shows.

A dam good episode of South Park. Both episodes this season have nailed the social commentary but this week brought more laughs. The Lion King 2 references were funny and the Garrison long set up was great. Overall I think the best is yet to come from South Park this season.

I love how Edgar was a little put off by the gay guy not being into him. Side note Linds is by far the Worst.

I think South Park was trying to say that the rabid SJW's are now employing the very same bullying tatics and douche behavior that they hated coming from frat douche frat guys.

It use to be not that long ago maybe 5-10 years ago that conservative groups like the Parents Television Council were the ones going around censoring content. It use to liberals who were the ones for free expression. Liberals were the ones that stood up for controversial art exhibits like Piss Christ.

Well Elroy, Annie, and Abed get the happy ending, Frankie and Dean get an OK ending (Enjoying a nice middle management career), and Chang, Jeff, and Britta get the less happy endings.

I think this is a good place for Community bow out. Let the cast reunite for the movie as a send off for the fans and to fulfill the six seasons and a movie thing. Seeing these characters stay at Greendale for a 7th season would just be depressing.

I am not sure how successful Yahoo Screen has been with Community. Really I haven't seen anyone give a ratings count or new signups for Yeahoo Screen. I know for a lot of people Community has put Yahoo Screen on the map. But how good has it been for Yahoo overall and is it worth the production costs to keep the show