
In the early seasons, Rory was charmingly sheltered. I can see what people like about her. The college years Rory is so rough to watch. She is largely unlikable.

The comments on the Gilmore Girls reviews were pretty good. I am generally not one for gimmick posts, but I love whoever did Miss Patty.

I'll say the first several episodes are not very good. They definitely get better. At the very least, try checking out their Gilmore Gabs where they talk with the cast and crew.

Rory would have allowed Jess to keep being a real loser because she's an enabler just in general. But I hadn't really thought of Rory holding him back. That's an interesting take.

You don't need to tell me about the Gilmore Guys podcast. I'm a massive fan.

Absolutely. The first year at Yale had some interesting things and I liked the shifting dynamic between Rory and Lorelai. Plus, Tana is wonderful.

Anyone who is Team Zack had better have some serious reasoning to back that up.

I like Jess as a character and catalyst for change in Rory. But he's definitely an awful jerk. While they are dating, Rory is too good for Jess.

Paris is one of the only characters to truly grow and learn throughout the series.

Definitely agree on all points. Even if making them accept him by holding them at gunpoint escalates things, it's still Phil as a social outcast which can only get so much mileage.

That's immediately where I went as well but the joke was telegraphed pretty heavily. So, maybe it's that?

I occasionally think of that but couldn't remember where it came from.

I bought Tarkus from a bargain bin for the cover thinking I would hang it on my wall for laughs. I never did and never actually listened to it either.

While I haven't watched Life Stinks since it was on regular rotation on Showtime when I was 11, I remember really liking it and watching it a lot. I can think back and realize there aren't any extremely funny bits and maybe I'd find it not funny now.


It's not really one moment of stupidity though. He told the story multiple times on radio and television and friends. That's habitual stupidity not a moment. If it had been a one time lie, I think people would be slightly more forgiving.

I don't think it's necessarily about the problems being resolved so much as how they were resolved.

That link reminded me of the Katy Perry/puppet episode and I'm really depressed now.

Aerial Pandemonium Ballet is such a massive improvement over the originals as well. Those first two Nilsson albums are so gaudy that simply cutting some of the instrumentation was necessary for anyone to listen to them after the 1960s.

Yeah, I'm not sure why he's trying to get more. I guess I get it, but getting six seasons is what you specifically made a hashtag for. Work on the movie if you want but six seasons is still pretty impressive considering its history.