
I think that's implied in his post.

Kids don't want their parents bogarting their stash though.

I don't remember the exact quote (I think it was in the 33 1/3 book on Loveless), but I remember Shields saying something to the affect of that all the other shoegaze bands were layers of guitar on layers of guitar which is what he specifically didn't want or like and specifically didn't do.

I remember showing the 94 version to some people shortly before the 05 version came out and we all agreed that it wasn't that bad. It's cheaply made but it's good considering how cheaply made it was.

George Harrison was on the David Frost show in 1971 and was talking about Indian music and sitar (sorry I can't link the source, but I have the audio on an old bootleg):

Considering the pass Rocky IV gets with audiences, Rocky V's terrible reputation is somewhat surprising. If it had an upbeat ending, I think audiences might have forgiven it's problems.

I honestly don't know if I even want to talk about this moment. I don't know that I'm emotionally ready to even think about how awful this episode made me feel. This entire season has gone to places that are very upsetting to me and this episode broke me.

I'm glad someone mentioned this first because I really didn't want to be the one to point it out.

I definitely get his feelings for Diane being betrayed. When he said they need the time apart. Oof.

After watching this episode again, I think I was wrong about how I was taking the scene with Mr. Peanutbutter. I don't think they were trying to make the audience side with him.

That's a fair reading of it. And I really should have watched the episode again before making claims about mishandling the material since it is 1. at least making an honest attempt unlike pretty much anything else is and 2. doing a solid job of it for most the episode.

My problem with the sympathy for PB is the show seemed to specifically want us to side with him in the argument. That could be a completely incorrect perception on my part, but I felt like the show shifted there. Had they played both sides equally letting the audience make our own judgment (or opting to relate to both

It seems like the show is trying to get us to feel sympathetic with Mr. PB which is really upsetting to me. At least during the scene with Bojack yelling at Diane, I still felt like the show was on her side (and maybe that's because Bojack is portrayed as an asshole throughout the series). With the Mr. Peanutbutter

I wouldn't say Letterman owned his shit so much as admitted it because he was caught red handed with evidence and was being blackmailed.

More importantly, why is this a newswire?

Saying the use of overweight people is to make Taylor look better seems like a weird criticism. The first 75% of the video is very in shape professional dancers and Taylor performing goofy dances relatively badly.

If him calling the show "The Simpstons was unintentional, that is hilarious.

In all fairness, I wish I could forget Saddlesore Galactica. So, maybe he did it on purpose.

In the brief time that Zach left the band, Brian and Gil covered Hollaback Girl for a bar mitzvah. I wouldn't say the band was above covering pop music.