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    To be fair, it made sense for the one in Civil War to look like CGI, since it wasn't actually a flashback, but rather a holographic projection created by Tony Stark's memories.

    Al Ewing is phenomenal. I've never read a book by him I disliked. And, yeah, he does the use-a-crossover-to-serve-your-own-story thing excellently. His Secret Wars tie-ins to Mighty Avengers made me cry, dammit.

    Ah. Just like his "Marvel TV needs to stop killing black males, even though they don't actually kill many black males, but sometimes it looks like they might so BAD MARVEL TV!" argument.

    Technically, Pym was "killed" (although not really) in the hardcover Rage of Ultron, not Uncanny Avengers. It was written by the UA writer using much of the same cast, though, so that's an easy mistake to make.

    It was self-insert fanfiction "I could totally be a better Spider-Man."

    Except, of course, that he's written some of the most critically acclaimed works of the past several years, including Superior Foes of Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Morning Glories, etc. So, pretty mediocre indeed.

    When they do that, everyone complains that "They changed the books to match the movies! They're just writing cheap corporate synergy tie-ins!"

    This article doesn't tell me anything about whether the story is interesting or not

    Come now. Reducing Johns' career to mere nostalgia excludes his penchant for maiming and killing characters in 'extreme' ways.

    Because February used to be the last month of the year. (September, October, November, and December were the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th, as indicated by their names.)

    Because most people don't even know what they're asking for when they say they want the "original". There were changes made to the film within *weeks* of its original release — mostly in the sound editing.

    That's why I chuckle when people demand the release of the "original" film. No one's actually seen that since 1977.

    That is a remarkable spot-on assessment.

    There was that one episode of Bob's Burgers…

    Agents of SHIELD.

    Yeah, but Jackson explicitly left out all mentions of Orc-weakness against sunlight.

    Huh. I never had a problem with Frodo sending Sam away — it shows how far Frodo has sunk under the burden of the One Ring.

    Yeah, I wasn't even going to bring up the book, although good point about the reversal of Aragorn's position from book to film — I had forgotten about that.

    I remember when Colbert first started at CBS and ratings were underwhelming. A lot of viewers around here pronounced him DOA.

    As much as I love watching John Noble chew scenery, I wasn't a huge fan of film-Denethor. In the book, he was someone you could admire. Stern and proud, sure, but noble and steadfast. It wasn't until the end that you realize that he had been driven to despair by the death of Boromir, the (seeming) death of Faramir,