
Man, ICQ. There's a blast from the past.

What sign?

Watched this on Hulu.

That bugs me too. 
I'm also annoyed that Bay ALWAYS speaks while signing. I'm assuming that the directors don't want to bother subtitling all the signing, but man, it's so much easier to not talk while signing. Especially since ASL and spoken English have different grammar.

Is this a serious question? TV Club didn't exist at the time Alias was new. This is filed under TV Club "Classic" where they revisit earlier shows.

When did people forget that "fewer" is a perfectly useful word?

I've seen The Fall twice but I can't remember an animated sequence.

"Something called 'The Bible'"
"What is it?"
"It's a book."

I don't know about best movie, but my favorite Paul Rudd performance is in Wet, Hot, American Summer which you should just watch anyway.

That would be nice. It would be nice to be able to see some of the signing more clearly, but as Zeppo said, it's still tv and the directors have their own styles to consider.

Just to add, I hate hate hate dubbing because I was trained to lip-read as a communication aide, and having words that don't match lip movements drive me up the wall.

One thing I appreciate about this show is that when deaf characters are signing with each other, they use subtitles instead of finding some awkward way to have someone speaking the lines (something I've seen in a lot of tv shows and movies). It's nice that hearing people have to read words on screens sometimes - it'll

I started watching Alias for the first time when the reviews started and moved on to season 2 (will be starting season 3 soon). Season 2 is crazy awesome.


You're not alone in that one. *sob*

Close, "Voon-tair kint" (kind rhymes with flint)

Not to mention his inability to correctly pronounce "wunderkind" It means "wonder kid/child" so saying the english "wonder kind" just doesn't work at all.

Once upon a time it was required to type two spaces after a period. Then it was reduced to one. One day it will be zero. @avclub-8db1b7541cff76dbf21abadd8bf654c5:disqus is just ahead of the curve!

As a classically-trained musician, seeing obvious fake-playing is annoying (but understandable). I can't count the number of times I've seen actors with string instruments using the bow by holding it 6 in. away from the instrument. It's amazing how much music can be made just by waving that bow in the air!

I always loved the reference in Waiting for Guffman, in the form of a My Dinner with Andre playset.