
That's the reason I didn't guess Aaron.

Honestly, I forgot about it.

They donated the hazy blue filter to the Doctor Who production team a couple years ago.

Man, sorry for the typos. Sheesh.

Or an athiest without balls (thand you Colbert)

Was that on the Community hiatus new story? It seemed to break my notifications which didn't recover until earlier today.

That arm is freaking me out. My eyes can't handle this.

Man, Cooper sure is a common last name.


The twist is that he's been dead since 1963.

I did not hear about that. Please tell me you're kidding.

I hate and love that idea so much.

Oh god, I forgot about that. I'm gonna have to just leave this movie to my 15-year-old self, too. There are good moments, but I remember some pretty over-the-top performances.

If I need any cheering up for the next few days, I've got an image now that will definitely crack me up and make me feel better. Thank you, ridiculous charcoal drawing.

I did realize that, but LA-based black-clad demon fighting private detective will always conjure up Angel for me.

Sarcastical is the one who said, "adorkable" so I take no responsibility!

Zooey Deschenel as his companion…oh…dear….

Aside from the shotgun and Keanu Reeves, you basically described Angel which was awesome.

For a long time I've wanted to see Dylan Moran as a drunk Doctor.

I don't know if I'd want random members of the Beach Boys coming over all the time…