Drew P. Weiner

Good point, I was sort of surprised Chrissy was even driving Tony to that meeting with Phil in the first place.

Not sure but hitting straight-up three times in a row would add up pretty damn quick.

Not sure but hitting straight-up three times in a row would add up pretty damn quick.

Another real highlight: Paulie bitching about the "500 prayer cards" he has left over from his "Ma's" wake. A fundamental lack of respect and he'll NEVER fuckin' forget it.  

Another real highlight: Paulie bitching about the "500 prayer cards" he has left over from his "Ma's" wake. A fundamental lack of respect and he'll NEVER fuckin' forget it.  

The Asian guy sitting between Carmine and Tony at Chris' wake (when Tony relates the car seat/branch story again) was the same guy who took the stockbroker license test under Chris' name at the very beginning of season two. Another season two callback: The Pretenders"'Space Invaders" is playing faintly in the

The Asian guy sitting between Carmine and Tony at Chris' wake (when Tony relates the car seat/branch story again) was the same guy who took the stockbroker license test under Chris' name at the very beginning of season two. Another season two callback: The Pretenders"'Space Invaders" is playing faintly in the

It's Little Carmine's production company, the one that made "Cleaver". One of the mob's more "legit" business ventures.

It's Little Carmine's production company, the one that made "Cleaver". One of the mob's more "legit" business ventures.

Well, in J.T.'s defense, Chris was throwing around names and strongly implying he had knowledge of crimes involving those names. Information that could potentially put J.T. in a hazardous situation. To say the least.

Well, in J.T.'s defense, Chris was throwing around names and strongly implying he had knowledge of crimes involving those names. Information that could potentially put J.T. in a hazardous situation. To say the least.

I know teenagers that make AJ Soprano look like Wally Cleaver. OK, maybe Eddie Haskell, but still. 

I know teenagers that make AJ Soprano look like Wally Cleaver. OK, maybe Eddie Haskell, but still. 

J.T. would certainly be very hesitant re: hearing any more about Chris' life. His brief dalliances with the mob didn't exactly go to well on his end. It's another sad scene: Chris has not a real friend in the world anymore. Ade is long gone, his new wife is kind of a dip, Bobby has replaced him at Tony's side, Paulie

J.T. would certainly be very hesitant re: hearing any more about Chris' life. His brief dalliances with the mob didn't exactly go to well on his end. It's another sad scene: Chris has not a real friend in the world anymore. Ade is long gone, his new wife is kind of a dip, Bobby has replaced him at Tony's side, Paulie

Glad they never went there but it might have made for a fascinating little back story. Barb, Tom and the kids…how'd she escape Livia's evil clutches? How does Tom feel about his in-laws life of crime? What are the "kids" names?

Glad they never went there but it might have made for a fascinating little back story. Barb, Tom and the kids…how'd she escape Livia's evil clutches? How does Tom feel about his in-laws life of crime? What are the "kids" names?

Wasn't it a John Wayne movie? The one where he fights oil well fires?

Wasn't it a John Wayne movie? The one where he fights oil well fires?

Yes, it isn't that he's being driven by a gambling addiction as much as he's being driven by trying to break his streak of "bad luck".