Drew P. Weiner

And that WAS a rather frightening deal with Tuco, too, in light of how he viciously beat Gonzo to death and all. I think I'd remember that one too.

I think their only other scene was in S1 when Jesse was trying to move Emilio's body and Skyler was warning him not to sell pot to Walt anymore. Oh those days of innocence gone by, when the only corpses you had to dispose of belonged to sleazy low-level meth dealers you were forced to kill…..

I think their only other scene was in S1 when Jesse was trying to move Emilio's body and Skyler was warning him not to sell pot to Walt anymore. Oh those days of innocence gone by, when the only corpses you had to dispose of belonged to sleazy low-level meth dealers you were forced to kill…..

It's a PERFECT ricin delivery vehicle!! Now the difficult part: teaching the spider how to smoke…..c'mon, science!

It's a PERFECT ricin delivery vehicle!! Now the difficult part: teaching the spider how to smoke…..c'mon, science!

I thought the point of showing Todd with the jar was just to further establish his general creepy deviance.

I thought the point of showing Todd with the jar was just to further establish his general creepy deviance.

He was taken into custody after his traffic stop for the broken windshield in season 3. Whether or not he was printed then, I do not know.

He was taken into custody after his traffic stop for the broken windshield in season 3. Whether or not he was printed then, I do not know.

So after all those years Walt is still bitter about losing Gretchen to Elliot, taking his buy-out and storming off angrily into his mundane life of ordinary-ness. Now, after perceiving himself as having "settled" for his post-Grey Matter life, he's not "settling" anymore. Too bad for him that his current world is

So after all those years Walt is still bitter about losing Gretchen to Elliot, taking his buy-out and storming off angrily into his mundane life of ordinary-ness. Now, after perceiving himself as having "settled" for his post-Grey Matter life, he's not "settling" anymore. Too bad for him that his current world is

Yes, he had a hysterical weepy breakdown because people were still making fun of him for getting booted from Metallica (for being an incorrigible drunken asshole) all those years ago. Dave was always a jerk, always will be one too.

Yes, he had a hysterical weepy breakdown because people were still making fun of him for getting booted from Metallica (for being an incorrigible drunken asshole) all those years ago. Dave was always a jerk, always will be one too.

Dave also thinks he can sing, and he's wrong about that, too. 

Dave also thinks he can sing, and he's wrong about that, too. 

I dunno, when I was growing up the only kid in the neighborhood that had a little dirtbike was the poorest, white-trashiest kid, so you never know.

I dunno, when I was growing up the only kid in the neighborhood that had a little dirtbike was the poorest, white-trashiest kid, so you never know.

"Beaster" isn't even remotely funny. "Skylard" would have been at least chuckle-worthy. Try harder in English class this year.

"Beaster" isn't even remotely funny. "Skylard" would have been at least chuckle-worthy. Try harder in English class this year.

LOL! And it isn't to say the ricin won't re-appear: I'd think it most definitely will. But the stuff with the cigarette is unbearable. "This one's gonna smoke it, that one's gonna smoke it"…OK, enough. Even it the shit was in a cigarette I think a smoker would notice the smell of the burning plastic cap…at the least.