Ray Distillian

Instructor walks in after the alloted 80 mintues are up and looks at the tests, and the bloody bodies on the floor all around him.

Nothing would make me happier then to reunite with Snake and Joey. However, though the Vatican has turned around on the issue of the Beatles, they still have a problem with the Zit Remedy. It would be nice, if they would leave us alone, but what can I say; the curch is a bunch of jerks who'll "take your money, and

Just keep in mind
That this is the same Vatican that says it's cool to eat boy cum, as long as you're a priest.

I can't wait…

Ann and Mark celebrate with "a quick smooth in front of a sleeping hospital patient"

Hey, molester is such a 'rapey' word. Let's just call him a rapist.

I can't wait
I'm going to greet this Captain America movie with the same anticipation as I have the rest of his projects.
