
"Lousy Smarch weather."

Dog Day Afternoon reference!?

Thanks Obama!

I'm so confused anymore!

"What's that? You want me to drink you?"

"That's not God, that's just a waffle Bart threw up there."

He's shown trollish tendencies in the past, but overall he seems pretty alright. Then today his account was banned (I'm not sure why), and then this happened.


Those two are probably my favorite one-off Simpsons characters.

"Lisa needs braces!"

"Mono, meaning one. And rail, meaning rail. This concludes our intensive three week course."

"Put it in 'H'!"

"What country is this car from?" "Eet no longer exists."

Can you see that I am serious!?

It's not Batman!

"Okay Mr. Burns, and what is your first name?" "…I doon't knoow."

You would think someone would learn their fiancee has zero friends long before they even got engaged.

No you aren't!

The pickle pooping mayor was wrong. Whiplash was nominated for Best Picture!

Well it's about time!