
You and me both.

I'm Jewel and so is my wife!

With heroin?

Good luck!

To read the books that I own but haven't read (there are 17).

You have a lady friend! That's pretty great.

Good luck!


I can see the resemblance, so you get an upvote.

"Oh stewardess, I read come."

Hey check the "other" box in your Facebook inbox! I found you through the TI forums!

"Oh wait…there they go!"

No, that's HDB.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Oooh buuurn!!

Because kids who love Dilbert are going to love a book about business principles. And it would be the only way they could learn about masturbation.

I keep meaning to watch Albert Brooks movies, what's a good one to start with (the only one I've seen is Looking For Comedy In The Muslim World)?

The A.V. Club

Happy belated birthday!
