
Dude! When I saw the Cleese Q&A (in Seattle) it was some local radio host guy (I think) hosting the Q&A, and speaking of Bob Odenkirk, I saw him at a book reading/signing/comedy show that was the best book signing I have ever attended.

I lived in Saint Paul until July 22nd. Had someone told me three years ago, "You will have finally moved out of your parents place in three years" I would have said "Well, yeah." Had someone told me three years ago, "Your first apartment is going to be in Seattle" I would have looked at them like they were fucking


Happy birthday Neckbeard Jr.!

Girl Talk-Ask About Me
Pink Floyd-Interstellar Overdrive
Pink Floyd-When The Tigers Broke Free

I work in a mall (not retail, though). It's going to be fucking nuts. Having nothing to do with it being Black Friday (I just plain don't like the job)* I've already started job hunting again.

Still slowly making my way through a reread of The Looming Tower, and I got Our Band Could Be Your Life from the library. I gave up on House of Leaves because it got too hard to follow/pretentious seeming. On Friday after work (if I can brave the crowds) I'll probably buy a copy of Dark Alliance.

What's the difference between sugar and regular sugar?

My first apartment, a job (even if I don't like it at least I have one), friends and family.

I would enjoy doing shrooms with Patrick Stewart. Though I did shrooms once, and the effect was pretty much bupkus.

Fuck that song with a barbed dick.

Oooh I'm gonna buy that Simon and Garfunkel one!

Watch out Tim Riggins, he's Irish!


I think I missed your jail story. Do tell?


…on weed!!

Wafflicious is a lady person.

Senator Tankerbell!

Wink wink nudge nudge say no more!