Pojo The Chicken

first ;)

This better be starring Vinny Chase

As a comics fan, I feel the introduction of characters such as Muslim Green Lantern, Muslim Ms. Marvel, Black/Latino Spider-Man, Black Captain America, Girl Thor, etc., is emblematic of the desperation that the mainstream comics industry finds itself in. The conversation was started on purpose by the Big Two, to get

Those were all the places that were part of their tour, I believe.

It's not like Johnny Depp is so great of an actor. More of a movie star, really.

Shawshank, Stand by Me, and Apt Pupil were all adapted. Kind of impressive. I actually had a class in high school called "Lit and Film" where we watched all three and read Different Seasons, then wrote a paper comparing them.

Missed Morgan Freeman parody opportunity. "6 days. That's more than three football fields," "I once said it would take a network 200 years to air that much Shawshank Redemption. They did it in one," etc. O'Neal would've caught it.

Fat chicks need lovin' too. But they gotta pay.

This was funny and Bell was correct.

As this appears to be a game for children it makes sense that they would rather piss off some of their gay fans than the many many conservative parents who will buy more games. I'm not saying it's right and their PR statement was artless, but if you depend on corporations to take a stance on social issues ahead of

Is it just me, or is the AV Club starting to feel like BuzzFeed with articles like this?

I don't know, I thought the "football stadium apocalypse" scene in Dark Knight Rises was kind of awesome and not especially pretentious.

IMO this art is really not good. It's just stills from the show that have have been repainted with a digital brush. I'd rather print out the actual still on high gloss paper than buy one of these prints. These Francisco Francavilla BB prints, on the other hand… http://www.huffingtonpost.c…

Avatar: The Last Airbender, one of the greatest children's shows of all time that is watched by manchildren.

Why did Rabin leave, anyway?

Fuck artists, pirate songs.

Jesse and Mike are certainly not moral paragons, but I would argue that they do hold some moral high ground over Walt. Jesse is constantly torn up about the things he's done, and clearly regards killing as something despicable and horrible. Plus, he struggle with drug addiction and thus is at least partly not

You cannot have the O'Neal. He is for the people.

Jeez, I really hope they don't kill Jessie or ruin his life or something. That kid deserves happiness. Then again, I said the same thing for Mike.