A. V. Lovecraft


Ia! Ia! Pu'm Ptheb Reak'sb Ro!

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'ommunity Yahoo wgah'nagl fhtagn! Idnot, Idnot C'ommunity fhtagn!

And as the stars converged throughout the hideous many-angled planes, I was shewn a vision of a great unfathomable homunculus, distorted and twisted with cancerous growths that cried out with voices of their own, curled as if in monstrous imitation of an innocent foetus. It was covered with an oily rainbow of unkempt

I had only gradually become aware of the deeply unsettling truth that I could now no longer deny. My actions were - are - not my own. I am controlled, my very physical structure determined, by someone, something, reaching from realms unseen into the sickening depths of my guts and viscera. I feel it even now, flexing

My only regret with this account is that I didn't do a scene where it finds out that it's a gimmick account itself, a la the narrator of The Shadow Over Innsmouth.

Did my shattered senses perceive the sibilance of an S in that reply?


