Headless Body in Topless Bar

Except for walking around other peoples' houses pasty-faced, crazy-eyed and with a limp. Most likely candidate to be mistaken for a zombie and shot in the head.

Please make it be Kim Dickens doing the full Sarah Connor.

You don't kill Kim Dickens…unless she's already signed her next contract.

See above (or below as the case may be). The original comment said this was a fast-paced episode. I just disagreed. I didn't have any problem with the pace, but it was not fast.

I was only reacting to the original comment about the pacing, which called it "fast" (well, "face" to be precise). I quite enjoyed this pilot. How you got a negative critique from those four words is beyond me.

The church is at Griffith Park Boulevard, corner of Lucile, near Sunset. All the geography made sense to me except Venice.

Tessa on Masters of Sex.

What he sees in Madison eludes me completely.

That church is on the corner down the street from my house, and I remember when they were shooting the pilot. It gave the whole episode (and premise) an extra personal creepiness, of course.

This was not fast-paced.

So when is it going to be revealed that the way to beat the DDs is by disconnecting and/or pulling off their masks and where have I seen that before?

Could be.

Yeah, the word I used was "understandable"…but I still can't stand her.

Kristen Hager dolls up really nicely: she always looked great on Being Human, but '60s glamour suits her.

I was gonna say…

It's amazing that even though Tessa's actions are understandable and non-lethal, I still find her as despicable as Joffrey or Ramsay.

Upvoted for avatar. ;-)

Has no one mentioned that the Lydia cards (Parrish's triggers) are an homage to The Manchurian Candidate? Which probably offers an explanation as to what he's about.

"How to alienate viewers" - referring to the review or the episode?

This is kind of a dull review this week, I have to say. The show is having some problems, but Lifeless Husk gets to the heart of them. That said, I still care about Libby, and I give this episode a B.