darth lehnsherr

She should probably have emphasized the lack of training on James' part.

Haha nah all good. I'm ok with Felicity being mad at Oliver I get it (though it was poorly executed with the walking suddenly). My problem is that the show portrayed that particular event and the consequences as purely Oliver's fault and Felicity 100% correct which I really don't think is the case. Felicity can be mad

Yeah of importance it kinda goes
1. Cap
2. Tony
4. Black Panther
5. Winter Soldier supporting cast
6. The Avengers

The sad part though was remember back in the crossover Oliver DID tell Felicity and she STILL broke up with him. So honestly what does that speak about Felicity as a character?

But instead of trying to work it out she leaves him at his lowest point?

Well William isn't her son so idk. The problem I has was it's inconsistent with her character. She's allowed FAR WORSE stuff that Oliver has done and she gets angry because she wasn't consulted about the future of someone who isn't her son? And just last week she was telling her mother keep secrets can be a good thing