
Padma said the dessert was her favorite dish of the night, but Gail countered with her believing Brooke's octopus was the best dish of the night, 'hands down!'

Norma had me cracking up when she told Dylan "you know how Norman is, nutty women seem to open up to him!" Found that just hilarious!

So please, enlighten me…. how does it feel supporting the biggest liar of all time. I'm sure you are just one of the sheep, who doesn't mind when the man without a clue lies to your face over and over and over again about anything and everything. But keep supporting the liar! If you want to live in a world where there

So please, enlighten me…. how does it feel supporting the biggest liar of all time. I'm sure you are just one of the sheep, who doesn't mind when the man without a clue lies to your face over and over and over again about anything and everything. But keep supporting the liar!

And I'm guessing you voted for the Man without a Clue whose only accomplishment, Obamacare, is a complete disaster and a total embarrassment. The man is completely incompetent, doesn't know how to lead and has no idea what in the world he is doing. But that's what happens when you elect someone because its the cool