Tiny Wheel

You are very welcome.

Oh man I remember the moment that Andie sees Abby in the mirror, even her ghost was creepy, smiling it up. I found it legitimately scary when I first watched it (then again, I was 10).

Oh man I remember the moment that Andie sees Abby in the mirror, even her ghost was creepy, smiling it up. I found it legitimately scary when I first watched it (then again, I was 10).

Exactly, I really don't want to quit watching, especially if it really is the last season, but I'm getting more and more disappointed with each new episode.

Exactly, I really don't want to quit watching, especially if it really is the last season, but I'm getting more and more disappointed with each new episode.

Yes I get what you're saying but I mean, those two shows couldn't be more different so comparing them just seems unnecessary. I live in Europe so I know what you're talking about regarding trying to decide which shows to watch based on reviews. I still don't think that the commenters here are ass kissers when it comes

Yes I get what you're saying but I mean, those two shows couldn't be more different so comparing them just seems unnecessary. I live in Europe so I know what you're talking about regarding trying to decide which shows to watch based on reviews. I still don't think that the commenters here are ass kissers when it comes

I'm so glad I gave up on this show mid season 2 and then only watched the Dan and Blair show on youtube

I'm so glad I gave up on this show mid season 2 and then only watched the Dan and Blair show on youtube

I don't get why you would even compare the two, besides them both being a comedy.

I don't get why you would even compare the two, besides them both being a comedy.

Man, I really want to root for HIMYM to have a decent ending but at this point, I just can't see it ever redeeming itself. The jokes are mediocre, the flashforwards don't feel earned and even though I am a huge Barney/Robin fan, I can't think of a single way they can bring them back together without making it feel

Man, I really want to root for HIMYM to have a decent ending but at this point, I just can't see it ever redeeming itself. The jokes are mediocre, the flashforwards don't feel earned and even though I am a huge Barney/Robin fan, I can't think of a single way they can bring them back together without making it feel

Even though It probably does make sense, for me, waiting untill january truly is the darkest timeline.

Even though It probably does make sense, for me, waiting untill january truly is the darkest timeline.

I also didn't see the suicide thing coming at all. I was half expecting him to attack Dexter for some reason.

I also didn't see the suicide thing coming at all. I was half expecting him to attack Dexter for some reason.

I did a little experiment watching this episode: I imagined how Andy's lines would sound if Steve Carrel/Michael Scott was saying them instead. It worked a lot better. Still, it doesn't bother me that much. I think New Jim is cute and I like the fact that he is also crushing on the receptionist who is not available (I

I did a little experiment watching this episode: I imagined how Andy's lines would sound if Steve Carrel/Michael Scott was saying them instead. It worked a lot better. Still, it doesn't bother me that much. I think New Jim is cute and I like the fact that he is also crushing on the receptionist who is not available (I

This episode had so many great moments, I want to quote them all but unfortunately I'm too lazy to rewatch the episode and write them down. So I'm just gonna sit back and wait for other people to post them.