Tiny Wheel

This episode had so many great moments, I want to quote them all but unfortunately I'm too lazy to rewatch the episode and write them down. So I'm just gonna sit back and wait for other people to post them.

Of all the shows I watch, I think I've anticipated the return of TVD the most. The finale was heartbreakingly good, and I can't wait to see what they will come up with next. I trust the writers enough to know that even though I can never predict what will happen next, it will (almost) always be good.

Of all the shows I watch, I think I've anticipated the return of TVD the most. The finale was heartbreakingly good, and I can't wait to see what they will come up with next. I trust the writers enough to know that even though I can never predict what will happen next, it will (almost) always be good.

I agree that George is bland, but I'm not that impressed with Porter in Friday Night Lights either. I just started FNL though so maybe things will change.

I agree that George is bland, but I'm not that impressed with Porter in Friday Night Lights either. I just started FNL though so maybe things will change.

Even though I'm really rooting for Wade and Zoe to get together for real (I just don't like George. Mostly because I think Scott Porter can't act. Also Wade is hot), I think the real heart of the show is Zoe's friendship with Levon. Man, I love watching those two banter. Almost as much as I would love a regular

Even though I'm really rooting for Wade and Zoe to get together for real (I just don't like George. Mostly because I think Scott Porter can't act. Also Wade is hot), I think the real heart of the show is Zoe's friendship with Levon. Man, I love watching those two banter. Almost as much as I would love a regular

The scene in the restaurant really cracked me up, drunk Nick is the best kind of Nick. I wasn't a big fan of his in the beginning of the show but he's really starting to grow on me. And even though I agree with the fact that the show would probably be ruined of they ever did get together, the chemistry between Jess

The scene in the restaurant really cracked me up, drunk Nick is the best kind of Nick. I wasn't a big fan of his in the beginning of the show but he's really starting to grow on me. And even though I agree with the fact that the show would probably be ruined of they ever did get together, the chemistry between Jess

I wonder how far ahead the writers realised Dawson and Joey were a trainwreck and planned to get Joey and Pacey together.

I wonder how far ahead the writers realised Dawson and Joey were a trainwreck and planned to get Joey and Pacey together.

Carade: human disaster.

Carade: human disaster.

This episode was slow indeed, but I don't know if i liked that. Some stuff was just so on the nose, it made it less enjoyable for me. Also, did anyone really think Vitcoria would be dead? The show would be ruined. I really don't care about Emily's mother so that's a storyline I could do without, but we'll see how it

This episode was slow indeed, but I don't know if i liked that. Some stuff was just so on the nose, it made it less enjoyable for me. Also, did anyone really think Vitcoria would be dead? The show would be ruined. I really don't care about Emily's mother so that's a storyline I could do without, but we'll see how it

I'm so glad they're not going to drag this whole 'Deb finds out who Dexter really is' storyline out. Deb is smart and she's good in what she does, so I would find that hard to believe. The tension was palpable and Jennifer Carpenter really sold this episode for me. Also hoping this will take care of that awkward

I'm so glad they're not going to drag this whole 'Deb finds out who Dexter really is' storyline out. Deb is smart and she's good in what she does, so I would find that hard to believe. The tension was palpable and Jennifer Carpenter really sold this episode for me. Also hoping this will take care of that awkward

I don't think that's a wild guess at all

I don't think that's a wild guess at all

I didn't think I'd be into it, but I really like the dynamic between Ben and April. After last weeks shenanigans I was also hoping that they would find a way to make Tom and Ann realise that they fell in love with each other while they pretended to be dating and that this time it would be awesome instead of awful, but