
Anybody else get the feeling that Louis is going to be next season's ill-contrived baddy?

I kind of agree with you, Todd.  I felt like this episode almost jumped ahead a few weeks and skipped some of Artie's development.  This backstage scene where he's thanking everyone seemed forced, and would've made more sense had we had time to see more of the challenges undertaken and time spent in putting this

I think it's obvious that people who have invested a lot of time into this show, like myself, find different and more things to like about each episode than most other viewers.  And finding a particular character's antics funny or not totally depends on your past perception of them, so I understand, Kevin, why you

Very true.  But I think there was supposed to be some sympathy felt for Chuck because his best friend is all-of-a-sudden acting strangely dickish.

I feel like Morgan behaving the way he is is somehow a "side effect" of this version of the intersect, possibly a malfunction.  So we'll see where that goes…

I agree with the "C'mon, son" runner too.  I mean, my roommate and I say that to each other constantly, but during that opening chase scene, I felt there was just too much of it.  Maybe the writers should just put in on the shelf for a while, and bring it back after it's had some much earned vacation time.

I love when this show gets self-referential, and that happened on many occasions during this episode.  The bits about "going boneless" and "Detective Dipstick" had me chuckling because I remember what episodes those were from.

Either I'm totally missing this particular point or I'm right, but the thought never crossed my mind that Prof. Gellar is a figment of Travis' imagination.  I frankly don't see it, and I think if that turns out to be the case, well…Mos Def would still be the best thing about this season.

If this show as ONE thing, it's heart.  I love watching this silly little show because it always entertains me.  Before this season started, the writers made fun of the fact that they chose to give Morgan the Intersect which earns them points in my book for not taking themselves too seriously sometimes.  At the same

I wonder if Harmon & Co. blew the majority of their budget on the special effects required to transform Annie into a werewolf.  I thought it was awesome, and it was so unexpected that it stood out in a great way.  Between that and the special graphics used in "Chaos Theory," I also wonder if the writers are giving the

I found Lassiter's whole story in this episode pretty touching.  When a character you expect to be kind of cold-hearted and strict has a story that really shows their human side, it can make a huge impact.  Although, I thought the fireworks at the very end were kinda cheesy.