
I haven't read the whole damn thread but…
What about Skrewdriver? It's like they just sat down one day and said 'Hmmm how can we be more patriotic than ANY OTHER BAND…EVER? "NATIONALISM! that's it! we got it!" they hated everyone! and hilarity ensued. seriously their songs are so racist it's funny…which I

I thought the aliens were really her father,and Harrison Ford had his crystal skull,and they all met up with Richard Dryfuss and climbed a mountain,then played some Kraftwerk songs until the ETs came down and took 'em all up into space where they had to rob ice ships because they didn't want to pay an evil empire for


That record store has seen much rowdier shows than him.Torche…was a bad idea in hindsight.NoLOLCatforHowIFeel :you're a tool. Which albums have you released recently? any at all? EVER? even if you have EVER put anything out I gaurengodamntee they weren't "original" . Unless you're writing from the 1920's It seems to

this show ruls but…
Worzel Gumidge!!!….AAAAHHHHH!!! there's a reason why american children(and adults!) have never heard of this scarecrow monster man.Unlike the tele tubbies, Worzel Gumidge looks like fucking Freddy Kruger & Benny Hill's bastard WRONG aduld scarecrow man baby.

FUCK!YES! thank you dr. zero! I just looked at their web site and was starting to get pissed….then looked and saw that they're plying less than a block away here in shitty ol' …where I live at the moment. just like when i saw Damo Suzuki in Louisville.thank you thank you thank you thank you.

the fuck am I supposed to do now?

This is going to be the best! Sometimes I think back to the days before I'd ever heard Jay Retard and I want to punch my self in the face for not getting him that show he was asking for at the record store I voulenteered at.I really really want to kick my own ass.

any body herd the "this american life" about dark shadows.Sooo good. I didn't know thre were that many "DS" kooks out there.They have conventions!!!


nobody likes this asshole.

First of all
We don't need any fucking more gated communitys in miami.Second-this assfaced shit eater will never be elected by all the rabidly republican cuban abuelos y abuelas.I'm not worried.

That's it!
I guess I have to start a concept "Star Trek" metal band. I'll do it.

ABBA? no fuckin way pal. If Patrick Stewart were to do a metal album he'd do it proper. There'd be TRUE METAL on that shit! Emperor,Slayer,Mayhem,Neurosis,At the Gates,Bathory,fuckin DRAGON FORCE!!! Maybe even some classic Meallica.

"Mallrats" stupid fingers. keyboard sucks ass too.

"It's things that happen in real life, and feelings that you have that you've got to get out, and I think that superhero comics in particular are really useful for talking about big emotions and feelings, and personifying and concretizing symbols."

how I called Paul giamatti manpig from the Jim comics in another post in the films section,and here's jim woodring.cool.he's still manpig,by the way.

where's the metal exactly?
Other than black sabbath's "Iron man"…which is probably one of their most boring and played out songs,I ask again,where's the metal? I mean if Patrick Stewart did one I'd buy it for sure but Shatner…blechhh!

"and there are definitely worse things to do with your time than spend 106 minutes with Paul Giamatti and Amy Ryan."