
"its comment threads like these that make me think the comments around here will turn into Aint It Cool News in about six months."

we assbags object. no need to be mean about it - we get enough shit as it is.


i'm back, baby!

i'm back, baby!

glad to see it's not just me

i was really, really hoping av club would have deleted those by now.

um, whoa.

did anything interesting happen with the vma's, or was he just not funny?

did anything interesting happen with the vma's, or was he just not funny?

did anything interesting happen with the vma's, or was he just not funny?

did anything interesting happen with the vma's, or was he just not funny?

did anything interesting happen with the vma's, or was he just not funny?

did anything interesting happen with the vma's, or was he just not funny?

did anything interesting happen with the vma's, or was he just not funny?

did anything interesting happen with the vma's, or was he just not funny?

did anything interesting happen with the vma's, or was he just not funny?

did anything interesting happen with the vma's, or was he just not funny?

according to the history channel, lyndon johnson liked fresca so much he had it on tap in the white house.

darth vader is a nubian. a nubian god, specficially.