
Also, was it not also mentioned that there is an on-site chef who would re-make a dish etc if it was not 'right' for a 'favoured' contestant etc?

silkolay - I am laughing so hard because I take the above to mean that Joe 'was forced to agree' by TPTB to invite Krissi and her son to dine with his mum and himself at one of his restaurants.

Best come-back line from Jessie has to be >>  “Babe, you abandoned me on the lobster, so you gotta pick something you can cook.”   
To me this is so telling on so many levels with regards to Krissi's actual ability as a versatile cook as well as how over-much the show had done for her to keep her on for so long.

Krissi's profile states she works/ed as a paralegal.  Is there a law against verbal threats (evidenced on National TV)?

Also, you do not need butter for doing a cold soba dish.  In fact, butter is hardly used in any Asian cooking.

Thank-you for a mature reasoned account of the above episode.