
Someone wanted to build a Justin Bieber building.
They killed that guy.
You gotta be pro-active with this.

The Illuminati will now give you canceraids.

Had to go to Urban Dictionary for this one(yes,yes I'm slow).
The scrolling wheel on my mouse decided to take me a little too far down the page….
Ass I'd Like to Fist?
Well, that can't be right.


Stupid, sexy voice actors.

Up next on MWOF:
The Dissolve

Favorite artist overall:
Vanilla ISIS
(I'm so,so sorry)

Oh, I'm sure. Was just trying to make a broader point about our(me included of course) inability to make correct risk assessments based on probability. That's a human weakness. It's psychology.

am not tho
what's this about the projects tho?
i think youre racist tbh

doctor unknown is intellectual dishonest tbh
tho, tbh, tho, tbh,tbh,tbh (urgh)

Definitely a redeeming quality, almost Zen-like.
He's a good guy.

He should keep his stupid comments in his pocket.

That's me! That's me!
Do I need to check my privi-
Shit! I'm not supposed to say that word.

Youtube itself doesn't even make a profit despite a billion users/month(something like that, too lazy to google).
I can see the bubble maybe bursting.

Noticed that too.
>Mistake other commenter for a teenager
>Implying it's a competition to comment here

But if Yellowstone already had a super-ereption, the next is less likely to be a super-eruption? Added the question mark, because I got a little uncertain how that actually works.
Anyway, Yellowstone is not the only Volcano out there……(:
People tend to be scared out of their mind by these unlikely events, while not

You also have the problem that so many new media startups are just content curators. Well, that can't go on forever. Then we have no…uhm…content in the end.

Go on……

Mmmm. Yes. Quite. Indeed.
[puffs cigarillo]

Vad hände egentligen när han slutade på Empire?
Jag har läst illasinnade rykten på "the information super highway".
Han slätar över sina svar ganska rejält på frågorna i det ämnet.
Jag bara ställer frågor!
Google translate away, suckers…:)