
A Stitch in Time is IMHO the best Trek novel (admittedly I haven't read that many, but of those I've read is certainly the best).

Nothing to add on the finale per se, but thank you Zack for doing those A.V. Club classic reviews of various Star Trek shows for the last 5 years! I'll miss them.
And the DS9 reviews were my favorite because it's my favorite Trek and you wrote them as someone who hasn't seen them before. Often reading your speculations

About the Beatles song: It actually wasn't the original but a cover by The Butties (http://www.thebutties.com/), which is a Beatles cover band compromised of a half of The Blanks / The Worthless Peons (Sam Lloyd and Paul Perry). No idea what this means for music rights issues, but at least ABC proably didn't have to

The "Why are there pancakes in the silverware drawer" joke is one of my favorite Turk one liners ever.

I personally was more a fan of dorky, nerdy Elliot, instead of Glam-Elliot but I liked Sean quite a lot and about season 3: While uneven at times it had the best (Michael J. Fox!) guest stars and the worst (Tara Reid)… I still like it a lot though.

Random trivia:

Ah yes, that makes sense now that you mention it. I should totally rewatch those episodes, remember really liking them a lot.

Ah yes, that makes sense now that you mention it. I should totally rewatch those episodes, remember really liking them a lot.

It's been some time since I've seen the episodes, but isn't that Chris Brynner guy some sort of Tech/IT millionaire not a TV executive?

It's been some time since I've seen the episodes, but isn't that Chris Brynner guy some sort of Tech/IT millionaire not a TV executive?

"Saul Goodman: Criminal Lawyer", a dramedy court show, I'd watch the shit out of that show

"Saul Goodman: Criminal Lawyer", a dramedy court show, I'd watch the shit out of that show

I absolutely want you to continue the reviews. I generally love the A.V. Club's retro reviews, and especially wait every week for your Scrubs reviews, a show I love and it's always great to read new insights into a new show.

My 16 year old pubescent self liked that episode back in the day due to Dax in a bathing suit and finding out that the spots REALLY go down all the way… but otherwise, yeah, I agree, it's really a dud of an episode.

Some things he said haven't been proven wrong so they may or may not be true or at least have a grain of truth in them…

And also the name of the tiny janitor who's in a few episodes. And the real Randall Winston played Leonard, the hook handed security guard…

No, the name of the character in this episode is Dr. Mitchell, while Lady's full name is Ladinia Williams (as heard in the wedding episode), so, definitely different characters (played by the same actress)…

Not all but most at least. In season 1 there are one or two instances where the Music has been changed (notably in "My Blind Date", "Easy Tonight" has been replaced by some generic song nobody has figured out yet what the song actually is…)

Thanks Myles for your shout out to Scrubs Wiki once again. Also always enjoy reading your reviews!

Well, one more season and a spin-off ;) (season 8 was the only "real" Scrubs season airing at ABC)