Jaime Murray saved this episode. Stahma's reaction to seeing a ghost was captivating, with her usual false smile betrayed into guilt/fear.
Jaime Murray saved this episode. Stahma's reaction to seeing a ghost was captivating, with her usual false smile betrayed into guilt/fear.
Even her copious nudity couldn't keep me watching ROGUE.
The pilot is terrific. Abrahms should write the pilot for every show. You can watch the Alias pilot as a standalone film and enjoy it greatly just as that.
Coral was fucking with Libby, not oversharing.
Williams was someone who it felt like I knew, despite having never met the man. His best performances were just so honest I found it impossible not to like him, even when the roles he took were less than worthy of his talent.
This show really only has one problem:
The cure to a disease that's wiping out an entire species and causing them to wipe out another entire species isn't a MacGuffin. It's pretty much the opposite of that.
Eh, I'd only recommend Stargate to a HUUUGE scifi fan. The seasons w/ the Farscape cast are worth it for fans of that show, and have more interesting serial storylines. But the majority of SG-1 is an awful lot of mediocre episodic sci-fi. If you found some reviews and only watched the high-rated eps, you'd probably…
The PKW finale is a glass-half-empty, glass-half-full situation.
As long as it gets covered!
In Widmore's defense, he already knew that Desmond would abandon his daughter when he was a dick to him. He was actually trying to protect her from a guy that he -knew- would break her heart.
The montages felt like LOST aping other, lesser shows. They were a shorthand for actual storytelling. Dropping them was a sign that they'd found confidence in doing their own thing.
The reviewer's interpretation doesn't make any sense at all.
so all good then?
We're allowed to like good shows, even if they fail to maintain greatness.
That term makes no sense in this context.
Better, because it had so much less of a drop to fall.