Arch-Lich of Crooning Despair

You and I have had our eternal, cosmically destructive differences, Archmage, but in this we agree. Cameron Esposito warms my hidden heart.

To answer you candidly: you are receiving a 'hateful' response because you posed a question, and then when someone supplied an informed answer, you expressed unfounded incredulity and repeatedly ignored the part where the poster said "The "(object of) infatuation" sense is more recent, but still goes back to the 19th

Perhaps 18 months ago, I donned my earthly guise to see Ms. Esposito MC a BYOB midnight circus. Between the tightrope walker and the mistress of the German wheel, she asked my girlfriend (who was about to begin med school) what might be causing her knee to give out at inopportune times; my girlfriend said "Cancer."

"Or will his paternal affection for the boy spurn a true transformation?"

Yes, even there is my presence felt!

The hour of my rebirth approaches, but for speaking the truth in a miasma of lies, you shall be spared.

Know this: those wayward flasks housed not just herbal spirits, but malignant ones as well. Have you noted the shaking of your fingers? The wrinkling of your flesh? The sense that all your satisfaction and joy in life are mere illusions? Taste my curse and despair, for in time it will blossom into a psychic prison

Check your facts.  As a transtemporal entity who has both committed acts of enormity and witnessed the awful enormity of the outer planes, I can attest that this is a proper use of the word.  Even the feeble lexicologists of this fallen world agree: "3:   the quality or state of being huge :  immensity "the

I wore a homemade Hospital Bombers t-shirt to the last Mountain Goats show in Chicago, and when that line rolled around Darnielle pointed straight at my maggot-infested husk—my first taste of joy in centuries.  After the show, he signed my shirt, but in the subsequent photograph he looks so tired and unimpressed with

I often seek portents of that final battle in my scrying glass, and what visions I've snatched from the skeins of fate have filled me with a cold joy.  The baying of fell beasts, the dull thuds of delayed blast fireballs, the crumbling of our runewrit manses—these will be the last Aetheric vibrations of our fallen