Johnny Deep

She's fucking amazing and you just don't get it.

Remember in Season 1 when Locke had his encounter with the smoke monster only later to proclaim that it was some kind of white light thing? Maybe that was Jacobs smoke monster, and both Jacob and the man in black have their own respective monsters like pokemon or something?

I read an interview with Darlton where they stated that the new flash sideways universe technically renders the old flashbacks irrelevant and truth be told that irks the shit out of me, it just seems like a way for them to write off any setups pre season 4 that they can't be arsed getting around to. With that heavy on

I like to look real serious when I dance.

She's not that hot, she's just a metal pixie dream girl, or maggoty pulsating death fetus, or the Jenny Lewis of metal, whichever you crazy metal kids prefer.

I can't even tell if the last post is a joke or not. Lycanthropic fellatio ftw!

Speaking of nods to season 5 pre 1977 timeline settle, who did sawyer/juliet(?) shoot in the 2nd ajira raft? Maybe I'm just forgetting but it's bugged the shit out of me since season 5s' end.

Her coffee gibberish was exactly like Charlottes death mumbles.

Felt Pelt great shout on the Hawkes/Hopper, that's fucking spot on. I know it's been 3 years and clothes and stuff deteriorate over time, but that still doesn't explain why they were dressed up like a bunch of NPCs from elder scrolls or something. I don't know why but something about the new guys, Kaneda from

Was Desmonds name in the main cast list at the start, I had assumed he'd just play a cameo role similar to the other returning dead losties? And if Desmond had of just went back to his original seat for landing what was the point of having Jack address it? Unless it was a red herring, neither would surprise me.

I thought District 9 was terrible, it really bored the crap out of me, if the academy is really acknowledging sci fi this year it could have at least nominated the far superior Moon. District 9 felt like 2 really long acts where the same shit keeps happening over and over with no real payoff and then a pointless

What about Fallout 3? There's not even a world left to be saved, given the story is a little weak it still stands as the antithesis to what the op was trying to say. As the world was you had the choice to make it just a little bit better or fuck it over even worse.

What I wouldn't have given for a dialogue branch of "Fuck you Three Dog!" just once. Now shut the fuck up and let me hear those four oldies again already.

When you overcome my normal looking someone eat it

If nobody minds I would like to start the backlash a little early, it's a nice album but kinda boring and not as good as their earlier stuff and nowhere near an A-. I can see this being one of the years most over rated, the Bitte Orca of 2010 if you will.

This album is an A+

If this is to be the standard of the years best then I'd imagine it's going to be an abysmal year. Not that isn't a good album, I'd give it a solid B-, but there's way too much filler and it gets a little repetitive at times.

The sea is a good place to think of the future is probably the best they've ever written and easily this albums best, it's a shame there's not more quieter moments like it on the album because it's songs like this, who fell asleep in and heart swells/pacific daylight time off the last record where they really are at

Four Tet-There is Love in You is hands down the best album to be released this week.

Wasn't this announced on here sometime last year? I know I've read about this somewhere. Definitely has potential to be a better show than it already is as a comic, the writing really is terrible sometimes and it feels more like a tv show drama than a comic every now and again.