
Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolfe. The novels have moments of unreliable narration which, in the right hands, could make for sci-fi/fantasy epic to rival the best of em

Just thought it was incredibly inventive, especially the scenes concerning movie making and the beginning of cinema. I felt that an artist was using the medium to enhance his art, rather than simply as a gimmick

Just thought it was incredibly inventive, especially the scenes concerning movie making and the beginning of cinema. I felt that an artist was using the medium to enhance his art, rather than simply as a gimmick

I'd say Scorsese's Hugo is by far the best use of 3d I've ever seen

I'd say Scorsese's Hugo is by far the best use of 3d I've ever seen

"And the belief that Moore hates the United States seems rooted in the reductive reasoning that anyone who is critical of our country’s history or foreign policy must hate the country as a whole: If you look at a country built on the twin foundations of slavery and the genocide of Native Americans and see anything but

Here's a piece I wrote about the first alien, if anyone wants to read it …

I could make a joke about that green spooge that everyone seems to be rubbing their hands in during the trailer, but I'm not going to.

I think I'm going to have to change my pants …

We do misery pretty well too, the worst of places, the best of places …

Yeah, talkin about the same one, it's a Yorkshire accent, or Yooooooaaaaaawwwwwwksheeeeer

"Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy." 
- W. B. Yeats. Not much a fan of Yeats, but this is a great quote

Being from Ireland, I'd hate to smash your illusions, but it's Planet Yorkshire located in the British nebula.

See, we're more than just those diddly-ay f*ckers who sit at the end of rainbows with our big pots of gold. We're also a nation of misery-guts and doom-mongers