
That's what I was alluding to. I remember when it happened.

He was the Franco of his generation—i.e., the "next James Dean." It's a relief of sorts that he chose "normal" art over performance art, given what's happened with Franco.

Crow Road is on youtube with Peter Capaldi. It's really good. Capaldi is the missing Rory, and he's still young and beautiful.

If Squarespace could replace Disqus, then I vote yes.

Liked for use of "sole."

Outpost. This is the one with the wolves and the marching band. Laughed till it hurt.

It's the lure of Show Biz.

One of the great Snickers series of commercials.

Yeah. It was the "Hi, Janice!" that made it gold for me. A le BigMac moment.

There was one for a German car or tire company. The idea was, we don't waste our money on flashy ads; we spend it on R&D. So it was a guy in a lab coat, holding up a pad with drawings on it, speaking about the features in a German accent. At one point, he was talking about how the tires worked in the rain and

I pity the sharks that land in Little Tokyo.

You know what I wish I'd seen? Killer Joe when it was on Broadway with Scott Glenn.

I tried to like this program when it was on—when you get only one tv station, you try to be open-minded—but it was second-rate at best. I've never understood the loyalty it inspired, unless it was just among kids who didn't know better. Derivative and shallow.

You've summed up The New Yorker review in about two sentences.

Bill Nighy may choose to play this as Charles Paris. And who could blame him.

Herbicidal maniacs, all of them.

"But there needs to be a degree of internal plausibility as well (yes, even in an obviously fictional world"
Even more in a fictional world. Real life often makes fuck-all sense, but fiction has to.

They're gonna get this all wrong. I just know it.

The Whore Whisperer: "Shhh. Go back to sleep."

One of my teachers (later, colleague) had three students from two classes turn in the identical essay they'd bought on campus. Two gave up the fight immediately; the third threatened to sue the teacher, the department, the university, etc. Freshmen, eh?