DJ Robby Robb Rob

Yeah 1derer; check out a Joe Rogan Experience podcast with Foley (hmm:  circa…feb/march 2011?  Am I close?), as well as a "WTF" episode around the same time.  It's truly heartbreaking what's happened to him.  (Ontario has some pretty fucked up child support laws.  Utterly ridiculous.)

(It's not "aboot," but it's definitely "aboat.")

{pulls "Cookie_Monster" aside}  I love that you stay in character.  Always.

God; it's been nearly twenty years since I watched that movie.  And I don't want to see it again any time soon.

Oh; I thought you meant that it actually happened during a previous episode.

That's a really good point.  (So many astute observations/theories on this forum.  Love it.)

Is Ted like a podperson now?  He was seemingly much more savvy and competitive when he and Don were adversaries.

Just cheerier.

I still take issue with that:  WHY would Bob expose himself like that?  Chance things like that, and especially for Pete!  Especially now it's been confirmed to us that "Bob" isn't truly Bob.  He's got a lot on the line.

"The rather cavalier way everyone treats Ken Cosgrove's injuries is mindboggling"

I totally heard "cut" too.

POOR, POOR [melodramatic, oft-prissy] SAL

So did/DO I!  When was this??

I have a feeling that pilot episode ends badly—as well as prematurely.

Now that you mention it:  I can't believe I didn't see that myself!

Yes; you're right.  As well as Core's astute "keep your gay/potentially homicidal friends close and your gay/potentially homicidal enemies even closer" observation.

Thanks for that link.  (That's pretty much the only Vine video worth watching.  That clip validates the short length of those things.  I used to think Vine was essentially useless until now!)

Am I the only one who's somewhat…confused by Pete's seeming charity towards Bob? Just seems a bit out of Pete's character.  Am I missing something?

"What a glorious and fun episode this was!"