DJ Robby Robb Rob

I agree.  Sally isn't exactly age five; therefore, she's not an automatic conduit for tripe.

"And Ted apparently is a nice guy."   "His one big flaw is he thinks Don thinks about him way more than I think Don, even now, actually does. Don seemed barely aware"

And they kept killing/turning 'em before they could give directions.

Thanks for the "like" by the way."   It's not usually a good thing when Cheese doesn't agree with me.

This -is- a valid point.  What the living fuck is TAKING these creatures of the undead so fucking long to get anywhere???  I mean:  jeeeeeeebus.

Her storyline has finally started to get interesting, but I disliked much of it in seasons one and two.  I grew so goddamned tired of the "Desert Storm" shit fast.  She was definitely the weak link in those two seasons.  Beyond a shadow of a doubt.


I wonder whether everyone's favourite unich [NO:  NOT THEON/REEK] has more of a role in books 2 and 3 than he has in seasons 2 and 3.

"The Hodor!  The Hodor!"

That was the closest TV-Hodor got to the Roy Dotrice Audiobook Hodor!  I welcomed it!


"but Davos (more and more the beating, honorable heart of the show, filling a void left by Ned)"

"but I still find it tough to stomach Ramsay’s cartoonish antics, even if
sending Theon’s junk to Pyke was a devilishly cruel twist. Now Theon is
called “Reek” and his spirit has been truly broken. Great. Can he come
off the cross now? I’d like this storyline to go somewhere."

"In fact, this whole episode was quite funny, with some moments (like
Balon and Yara inspecting Theon’s dick in a box) that had me laughing
when they really shouldn’t have."

"The previous season finales have also had that quality, but they each ended on a barnstorming note. “Mysha,” not quite so much."

Why the hell didn't *I* think to write this?  BRAVO.


Go to sleep.

ANYTHING is better than SNL.  (For decades, I have likened watching the average episode of Saturday Night Live to watching paint dry.)

I don't much care.