DJ Robby Robb Rob

I was 19 and a half years old.


As a Canuck [though I should quickly point out that American spellings are often used here by many], I'd say I'm more irritated when I see words such as "honour," "colour," "travelling," "defence" and "centre" spelled "incorrectly" than I am with words on the printed page without their proper accents.

You are definitely not dreaming up the "soap is self-cleaning" joke.  In fact, that's the only line I really remember from this scene.  Chandler gives an exaggerated "Chandler" look/spasm, and declares loudly "IT'S SELF-CLEANING!"

You be young, Child.

I couldn't even get through the first half of this article without falling asleep Morgan Freeman style.  (I never liked Voyager.  Wasn't a big fan of Deep Space Nine either.  I think by that point, I was just Star-Wreck-Played-Out.)

You know; I think I recall your earlier hope for Betty/Don!

Well, Ken's already been dead wrong this season.   As I wrote earlier:  EPIC FAIL in his advice to Pete a few eps back.

What about his advice to Pete this season?  **EPIC FAIL**


"Cuntries."  Awwww, snap!

Both Headey and Van Houten are very attractive ladies.

"There’s a marvelously lit scene with Megan looming over Don’s shoulder in the dark, the ghoul dragging him back to a life he no longer wants."    Beautifully written, Todd.

Yes.  The dragons look great, and I can't believe I'm saying that.  I still cannot believe they're managing to suspend my disbelief.  CGI almost always disappoints, whether it be on film or television.

Every single frame of this show is breathtaking.  Everything.  Hell, even the CGI looks good.  (It is extremely difficult to win me over with [usually shitty] CGI.) 

I most certainly did notice that [stupid, stupid, stupid] move. 

"I didn’t really expect that to be the end of Sam’s story, chased down by
a white walker, but I still love that he got his hero moment after
failing in the season opener."   Thanks so much to "previously on Game of Thrones" for practically superimposing a tag on-screen screaming "SAM USES THIS DAGGER FOR SOMETHING

I'd willingly let Melisandre "blood" me any day. (For the Lord of Light of course.)

That train car scene from the television show (Ronnette's recounting nightmare) was [and remains] so eerie; so terrifying.  So, too, Maddie's "Bob" vision in the living room, and, of course, ***SPOILER ALERT*** the scene when "Bob" murders Maddie.  I still cannot believe they got away with airing those images on ABC

Do you hope for that extended cut [forever desired by fans]?