DJ Robby Robb Rob

As flawed as Fire Walk with Me was, I loved the soundtrack.  Owned it before I even saw the film.  Got some really great stuff on there.  Check it out!

Atheist:  check

"my other tactic is saying terrible things in a really bright, cheerful voice"

Stray Responses to your Stray Consternations [which proved thoroughly enjoyable]:

It's interesting how Ted is truly such a chivalric, kind, optimistic, giving soul.  Prior to this season [and some of last season of course], we the viewer have always seen an arrogant Ted in his dealing with the SCDP boys.  Obviously, it was just Ted's business persona all along, and not the true person.

Well, perhaps we'd both get along nicely, Skynet!  I try to be a friendly person with people, but I am quite often a "realist."  (To many/most, that means I'm overly pessimistic/whiney/cynical/critical.) But I like to think I'm fairly witty, and have a SMASHING sense of humour!

I found that character irritating as hell.  Though perhaps it's just Colin Hanks I dislike.  Not a big fan!

But there's something…smarmy [or, at least fake] in Bob Benson. At least, that's how I've been feeling about the character up until now.

Loved reading this, Olive13!

Sigh:  "Rachel Menken."  Really liked her.

Sheesh:  way ta BUM ME OUT during my brunch!

I have to admit that I wasn't fully sure of Megan's intentions myself.  (For instance, there's a scene where they're both in [or on] bed, and Megan gives what I interpreted to be a scheming smile to herself.  I think this was either right after Don proposed or shortly before.  Sure was wrong on that one.)

Whoops.  I'm late in the game here.  (Shoulda refreshed screen I guess.)

It took me a minute or two as well, but:  DOMINATRIX Draper!

Perhaps not!  It wouldn't surprise me if some of these actresses would have "SEE NO BOOBIES" restrictions in their contracts, even if the show was on HBO.

(Though I'd be remiss not to mention that I thought "Peter" and "Trudy" were a bit over the top at the beginning, too.)

Do you not think the acting—the presentation of "Bob"—is just over the top though?  He just seems a little TOO fake, if that makes any sense.


"It was treated as a bit of heroism on his part, how he got one over
on his friend through cleverness, rather than brute strength."  Treated as heroism by whom: the creator/writers, or by the viewer? (Just curious what—rather: who—you meant.)

By the way: