DJ Robby Robb Rob

I don't think he necessarily has to die from suicide by the end of the series.  I have this feeling that he'll succumb to that nasty cough of his that pops up every once in awhile.  And, perhaps on his death bed from cancer, he'll have an epiphany and finally figure out just who he is; or, at least, who he should be.

Hell; I never even thought of that.  BRAVO!

Oh Scarlett:  you made me laugh so.

Don't forget ER, while we're dropping past roles.

I hope it's not just me, but:  I am growing tired with the "let us waste screen time with the repeated torturing of Theon."  How much more of this shit do we have to tolerate?  It's not at all interesting.


I know Game of Thrones must be an expensive show to produce, but:  we need more than a paltry ten episodes per season.

You should win a whole heap of stuff for pointing out such a silly mistake on the part of an AVClub writer who really should have known better.

Arya Stark sees dead people.

"Oh, and be sure to check out our giveaway to win a Stark hoodie."

I've only ever been to Coachella once.  It was last year; second weekend.  Maybe I'm just Captain Oblivous, or perhaps it proved too hot (it was 43+C each of the three days—Yankees,  you do the math to convert that to F), but I didn't spot a single celebrity.

Is "Plaza" a real surname?

"The sting is further reduced by having Robb Wells, Mike Smith, and John Paul Tremblay, stars of the hit Canadian sitcom Trailer Park Boys, voice the members of the so-called New Scotland Front"

:)  When he stormed the audience?   I saw that.

Fox is run by fuckheads.

I've found that the angrier and more impassioned Maher is, the funnier he is.  I wasn't much of a Maher fan during the Politically Incorrect days.  This was during the Clinton era, and perhaps not enough heinous things were going on at the time for his opening act to be all that humourous.  Business is A-OK these days!

Studio 60 also failed because the writing on that show was contrived, pretentious, unfunny [when it was supposed to be funny] and, well, shit.

My appreciation for Sansa grew substantially throughout Season Two.

HEY!  I'm Canadian!  I'll murder your vagina, Bynes!

I wish I had read and responded to this sooner.