DJ Robby Robb Rob

Spot-on review, with an entertaining touch of vitriol.   (However, I think Lauren accidentally threw in a "B" when she clearly meant for a C or C-, based on that review's overall tone.)

I'd never fucking heard of The Smiths until my first year of university (93-94).  And, even then, I never truly started to get into them until five or so years later.

A great read.  Thank you, Noel.

Lest us forget that Tom Hanks was on Family Ties at least twice as the most fallible Uncy {INSERT NAME NERE, AS I HAVE SINCE FORGOTTEN]!

I find it somewhat amusing that a show as one dimensional as The Walking Dead has dedicated to it a one-hour "discussion" program immediately afterwards.  When truly:  a more complex [and much more fulfilling] drama like Mad Men would stand to benefit more with a post-episode discussion forum.

The Hour suffered from a lack of inane Bigfoot references.  THAT'S why it was cancelled!


Note to musicians and music newspersons:  it's not really a "North American" tour if just one date is set in Canada.

Roger and David got kind of friendly too, remember.

For me:  "In The Air Tonight" will always belong to Miami Vice.

(Love it.)

Couldn't have been a more perfect [and apt] casting decision.

"…and 'Marcellus Wallace' played by 'Indiana Jones' himself, Tom Selleck."

I agree with Necron-99.

I agree with Killbot5000.  Connery's Bond just wouldn't fit with the Bond required for the love story in OHMSS.  The characterization required just wouldn't mesh with a Connery-Bond.


We all should be ashamed of ourselves!

WHO/WHAT the fuck is Phoenix?

Why, Atomic-Blackadder;  what ever do you mean by that statement?