
I've never heard Chet rap, but I am willing to bet this is better than anything he has written lol

Lmao, only time will tell I suppose!

Is it devotion or desperation? It wasn't too long ago he stated the princess would not be harmed, putting her before his faith in the lord of light. It wasn't until the camp was burned and he was out of options (except for the take your family and go home option) that he decided to sacrifice the innocent princess.

The Lord of Light demands a sacrifice before you go fourth and add it to your vocabulary.

Yeah, I am trying to figure out what this rant is about. The writer said they had only read the first two books, and we are well past all that in the show. The only thing I can think is that the line "Tyrion can’t get back in the Tower of the Hand soon enough." was misinterpreted by the OP as something that happens in

I hope he dies at the hands of Sansa, sniveling little rat that he is.

What are you talking about? I don't see any major spoilers…